Voice- a powerful thing; good, bad, strong, weak.....O. An "O" is the only thing phonically that separates voice from what it is, to what it can be. Vice- powerful, bad; stronghold.weakness
I have to wonder, in general, what do you use your voice for? Do you like to speak? Do you talk, alot? Is what you are saying productive, destructive...? Do you offend, defend...? Do you encourage, discourage...?
A voice is something that reverberates from the soul. A thought we can only feel in our minds and doesnt make sense until we can say it aloud. A voice can speak up for the lost, the lonely. Used as a political tool, it can persuade. We can help those who need help, speak for those who, metaphorically, dont have a voice. Bring hope, courage, healing.
On the contrary, our speaking can be our greatest vice. We can tear people apart with our words. We can talk meaningless banter; pride ourselves. We can talk about others, we can talk about ourselves, but what merit does it have if we dont use our heart? Behind a passionate voice is more than strong vocal chords, it is a strong soul.
A voice is used to sing, to make melody. What a beautiful sound! Our voice can be used for many different things, but sometimes, something that comes so naturally to us, we may have to stop and think, "is it beneficial?" We may not think before we speak. But like our thoughts dont ring quite as clear until we speak them, so our speak will not make sense if we dont think.
Better yet, do we let God speak through us? Do we close of the portal of our mind to our mouth to let God infiltrate our voice?
Some abstract thoughts on a random topic, but sometimes, I just wonder....
Exodus 4:11
- Then the Lord asked Moses, “Who makes a person’s mouth? Who decides whether people speak or do not speak, hear or do not hear, see or do not see? Is it not I, the Lord?
Exodus 4:10-12
Psalm 19:14
14 May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be pleasing in your sight,
O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.
For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.Luke 6:45