I just realized that I never wrote a followup piece on the Tea PArty. Well now that the excitement of the moment has faded, I may be writing with less pizzaz. but writing, nonetheless.
The Tax Day Tea Party in Charleston was what I consider the epitome of patriotism. There were no riots to overthrow the government, no plots to dethrone the President (despite what CNN tells you), but there was a spirit of freedom that you just can't experience while sitting back and watching the news. Truth is, this movement is a cry from a worried but thankful people. We are so thankful for the land that God has given us in which we can practice what we believe. But we are worried that that freedom could be in harm's way in disuise as this "stimulus package". What we fear is simply that the stimulus package is not stimulating the economy. It is stimulating the wallets and digging us further into debt. Despite what Presidents and Politicians may think, spending more money is not necessarily going to produce more money. We must first take a step back and evauluate what caused this economic downfall in the first place.
Short history: as Sarah sees it, (I like speaking in third person, it adds more oomph, don't you think?) our Nation as a whole has relied on credit for too long. The Deomcratic party in cahouts with financial loan and mortgage broker companies lent more money than was plausible. Not pointing fingers or blame, but it kind of all started when President Nixon took us off of the gold standard. The gold standard states that for howver much money is printed, it is backed by an equivalent of gold in Fort Knox. By neglecting this smart rule of accountability, we "opened a Pandora's Box" if you will, and started handling money like a 13 yr. old girl with a credit card.
"Stuff" we simply didn't need we started financing, and loaning, and borrowing, and all that technical jargon I will avoid. And in the 90's when President Clinton progressed our already semi-open trade with China (started also by Nixon), we stopped buying all of our good ole American products and started paying cheaper prices for cheaper made products from China, Thailand, Indonesia, etc.
Both of these principles were broken that the respectable Ronald Reagan had kept in place.
But back to the party: I heard people, young and old, from a Citadel knob cadet to a retired Veteran, speak of erecting morals and responsibilites to hold ourselves accountable, as a nation, as a people, instead of pointing fingers and shoving our problems off onto government and etc. We don't need more taxes by government, by golly thats why we left England!
The most instructive speech I feel was made by our own Governor Sanford. The poor man has been doused in blame and destructive words for rejecting governments handout for our schools.
Gov. Sanford realizes that if we dont fix this problem now, and take the consequences for our own problems, that these children we are worried about indoctrinating, I mean teaching now, then they will have to pay for our mistakes later. Its a shame that we should be as selfiish as to take money claiming its for the benefit of the child, when one day they will have to pay double for their education. They will be taxed for the handouts we recieve.
I hope you understand where the issue lies. It's not about parties, platforms , and pigs. It's about families, fundamentals, and faith. If we dont stick to our guns now, they're going to backfire and kill this way of life we call the "American Dream".
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