So it's another day, and today is the day that President obama will sign the Health Care Reform into law.
What a treacherous day in history. Now to finish, or atleast continue, my blog about the provisions of this bill. But first, I would like to address a major problem with the voting process that went on behind this bill. The most disturbing facet of this whole issue is that so many of the representatives were payed off to vote for this bill. PAYED OFF, meaning, promises for their certain states and personal benefits. Okay, if you have to buy votes, I think it is quite ibvious that there is something wrong this this legislaion that is putting sane people against it! Not to mention the fact that 39 states are in the process of passing lesgislaton to repeal this federal law. Do you think that the nation wanted this bill passed? Isn't it quite obvious, Washington, that you voted AGAINST the American's wishes? Are you not "representatives" of the PEOPLE? You are not there for yourselves (well, you are, but you shouldn't be). you are there to do what your name says, represent the people of your state, and the people of your state didn't want this!! (with the exception of a few really liberal states).
Okay, back to the legislation. So you are getting free healthcare? Isn't government already in debt from all of the economic turmoil of last year? So my question is, where are they getting the money to pay for your insurance? Oh, yes, I know, from you! So you re still paying, but you don't know it. Especially the more fortunate (rich).
We must get something straight- healthcare, or health insurance, is NOT a fundamental right; it is not!
Yes, it is unfortunate that there are people who cannot afford insurance, yes, it is. But the harsh truth is, that is life. People all around the world are sick, and poor, and dying. It is inevitable, no one can stop it. And this legislation will not stop deaths, I can almost bet you that it will cause more deaths, because of wait lines.
President, Government, you cannot force me to purchase health care. Yes, obviously, I want it; I need it. But forcing me to takes away my freedom. If you are forcing me to be free, I am not free. What an oxymoron.
There is a site that has a poll on the sidebar, and I voted. It was a yes or no question of whether or not you would like to repeal this healthcare bill. After only one day of being law, I clicked, yes, and you know what the poll result was? 100%. I do not know how many people took the poll, but I am sure it was alot; and 100% voted to repeal it. This is the voice of the people; and you are not listening Congress. Get your money hungry hands off of my freedom and vote like you have integrity!
Health Care Rundown
I completely agree with you, Sarah. This post says everything that I've been thinking!!!